
교과목 설명 - 코드, 교과명, 학과, 교수, 과정구분, 전화번호등의 내용
교과목코드 GE130040 교과목명 표면화학특론
강의학과 에너지융합공학과 교수 안테네
교수소속 에너지융합공학과 이수학년
과목구분 과정구분 석·박사공통
이메일 antenehfufa63@gmail.com 전화번호
테이블 이름 - 주차 및 주제내용
주차 주제
1주차 Introduction to Surface Chemistry – Surface interactions, importance, and real-world applications
2주차 Adsorption Phenomena – Physisorption vs. chemisorption, adsorption energy, and surface coverage.
3주차 Adsorption Isotherms – Langmuir, Freundlich, and BET isotherms with applications.
4주차 Surface Thermodynamics – Surface tension, Gibbs adsorption isotherm, and surface free energy.
5주차 Heterogeneous Catalysis Basics – Role of surfaces in catalytic reactions, catalysts, and selectiv
6주차 Surface Reaction Mechanisms – Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Eley-Rideal models.
7주차 Kinetics of Surface Reactions – Rate equations, activation energy, and catalytic efficiency
8주차 Applications of Catalysis – Industrial catalysis, environmental applications, and energy-related
9주차 Microscopic Techniques – Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM)
10주차 Spectroscopic Techniques – X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and infrared spectroscopy for
11주차 Surface Plasmon Resonance & Other Techniques – Applications in sensing, thin films, and biomater
12주차 Experimental Methods in Surface Chemistry – Practical aspects of surface analysis in research an
13주차 Surface Chemistry in Nanotechnology – Nanoparticles, colloids, and surface modification.
14주차 Interfacial Phenomena in Energy Applications – Fuel cells, hydrogen storage, and corrosion.
15주차 Surface Chemistry in Biotechnology & Medicine – Drug delivery, biosensors, and biomaterials