교과목코드 | GE250002 | 교과목명 | 바이오리파이너리응용2 |
강의학과 | 에너지융합공학과 | 교수 | 아툴 |
교수소속 | 에너지융합공학과 | 이수학년 | |
과목구분 | 과정구분 | 석·박사공통 | |
이메일 | atulpawar4037@gmail.com | 전화번호 |
주차 | 주제 |
1주차 | Resource managements and utilization of biomass |
2주차 | Necessary conditions and pretreatment of biomass |
3주차 | Hydrogen generation from biomass |
4주차 | Multifunctional carbon from biomass |
5주차 | Bio plastic production from biomass |
6주차 | Biodiesel production from biomass |
7주차 | Mid-term exam |
8주차 | Bioethanol production from biomass |
9주차 | Bio based chemicals production from biomass |
10주차 | Bio based pharmaceuticals production from biomass |
11주차 | Bio based sustainable energy by using eco-technology |
12주차 | Bio based sustainable energy by using eco-efficient process |
13주차 | Sustainable agriculture for biomass recovery |
14주차 | Biorefinery as a circular economy |
15주차 | Final exam |
16주차 |