교과목코드 | AH231867 | 교과목명 | 건강정보학세미나 |
강의학과 | 문헌정보학과 | 교수 | 이한슬 |
교수소속 | 문헌정보학과 | 이수학년 | |
과목구분 | 과정구분 | 석·박사공통 | |
이메일 | hslee@mju.ac.kr | 전화번호 |
주차 | 주제 |
1주차 | Course overview: Introduction to Consumer Health Informatics |
2주차 | What is consumer health information? |
3주차 | Finding and evaluating online resources |
4주차 | Consumer health information in diverse libraries |
5주차 | Consumer health information literacy – part I |
6주차 | Consumer health information literacy – part II |
7주차 | Health information needs |
8주차 | Health information behaviors |
9주차 | Individual health behavior models |
10주차 | Health behavior change: Community and group models |
11주차 | Health information system design: Theory-guided vs. User-centered approach |
12주차 | mHealth and its application |
13주차 | Games for health and its application |
14주차 | Personal health records, patient portals |
15주차 | Final project presentations |
16주차 |